Hawaii Bill is misleading, lacks protections
I was relieved to see a state House committee vote to delay consideration of Senate Bill 1129 [, which seeks to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia in Hawaii].
I attended the hearing at which [1129] was sold as completely voluntary, which isn’t true.
Contrary to the proponents’ spin, the bill has no requirement of voluntariness, self-administration or consent when the lethal dose is administered.
The bill is based on similar laws in Oregon and Washington state, passed by ballot measures in which voters were promised that only the patient would be allowed to “self-administer” the lethal dose. Oregon’s law doesn’t even use the term. In Washington, the term is specially defined to allow someone else to administer the lethal dose to the patient.
For a short bar article detailing problems with Washington's law, click here.
These laws are surrounded by a sea of propaganda. Don’t be fooled.
Margaret Dore, Esq.
Seattle, Wash.