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US States Strengthen Laws Against Assisted Suicide
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Thursday, June 30, 2016
New Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Statute Prohibiting Assisted Suicide
New Mexico Supreme Court Today, the New Mexico Supreme Court upheld a criminal statute prohibiting "assisting suicide" as c...
Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill Dies in Committee!
From Second Thoughts, Massachusetts , People with Disabilities Opposing the Legalization of Assisted Suicide: Today, the Joint Commi...
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Ethan Gutmann: An Update to "Bloody Harvest" & "The Slaughter"
http://www.choiceillusioncanada.org/2016/06/ethan-gutmann-update-to-bloody-harvest_25.html Ethan Gutmann, author of " The Slaughter ...
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Czeck Cabinet rejects deputies' bill allowing euthanasia
http://www.praguemonitor.com/2016/06/23/cabinet-rejects-deputies-bill-allowing-euthanasia Prague, June 22 (CTK) - The Czech centre-l...
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
British Medical Association Rejects Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by 2 to 1 Majority
The British Medical Association has once again rejected assisted suicide and euthanasia. Dr. Peter Saunders of Care Not Killing provides ...
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Worldwide Theater Protest: Melbourne Australia
http://thevine.com.au/entertainment/disability-activists-boycotting-hashtag-mebeforeeuthanasia/ While rom-com ‘Me Before You’ was onl...
Thursday, June 16, 2016
New York Memo Opposing Bills A. 10059 and S. 7579 - Web Version
https://choiceisanillusion.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/ny-memo-05-31-16_001.pdf I. INTRODUCTION I am a lawyer in Washington State whe...
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
World Wide Theater Protest: Not Dead Yet
The sign in the photo is accurate. Assisted suicide and euthanasia are sold as giving choice and control to dying people. There is,...
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Lawsuit Filed to Stop California Assisted Suicide Law!
The Life Legal Defense Foundation filed a lawsuit today challenging California's assisted suicide law. The civil rights lawsuit all...
Worldwide Theater Protest: "Hollywood Lies: I Prefer My Girlfriend Alive"
Wilfredo Rodriguez-Lopez The New York based Center for Disability Rights has created a public service announcement in response to the...
Monday, June 6, 2016
Worldwide Theater Protest: Wheelchair Athlete Ella Frech on "Me Before You"
Ella Frech Eleven year old Ella Frech had a few things to say about "Me Before You" Me Before You comes out tomorrow. I’v...
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