Why Choice is an Illusion?

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Letter the Kansas City Star Refused to Print

Wrong on Suicide
Dear Editor

I am an attorney and president of Choice is an Illusion, a nonprofit corporation opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia. Formed in 2010, Choice is an Illusion fights against assisted suicide and euthanasia throughout the US and in other countries. 

David Grube’s guest commentary claims that Oregon’s suicide rates “overall have gone down ... since its Death with Dignity Act went into effect in 1997.” This claim is false.

Oregon government reports show the following correlation between the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and an increase in other conventional suicides.  Per the reports:

* Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide “in late 1997.”

* By 2000, Oregon’s conventional suicide rate was "increasing significantly."

* By 2007, Oregon's conventional suicide rate was 35% above the national average.

* By 2010, Oregon's conventional suicide rate was 41% above the national average.

* By 2012, Oregon's conventional suicide rate was 42% above the national average.

* By 2014, Oregon's conventional suicide rate was 43.1% higher than the national average.

For backup documentation, go to Margaret Dore, “In Oregon, Other Suicides Have Increased with Legalization of Assisted Suicide,” August 8, 2017, at http://www.choiceillusionmontana.org/2017/09/by-margaret-k.html

Legal assisted suicide encourages other suicide. Don’t be fooled 

Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA