The affidavit, including attachments, can be viewed by clicking here.
The Oregon and Washington Acts
12. The
Oregon and Washington "Death with Dignity Acts" legalize
physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia as those terms are traditionally
defined. See memo, pp. 2-3 (regarding
definitions) at "MD."

14. Under
the Oregon and Washington acts, "eligible" patients can have years,
even decades, to live. See: memo, pp.
5-7 and Dr. Toffler's declaration. ("MD2"
and "MD3").
15. The
Oregon and Washington acts are stacked against the patient. Reasons for this include the following: (a) a
patient's heir, who will financially benefit from the patient's death, is
allowed to actively participate in signing the patient up for the lethal dose; and
(b) once the lethal dose is in the house, there is a complete lack of oversight
over administration ("even if the patient struggled, who would
know?") See memo, "MD2" at pages 7 to 14.
16. Another example is the requirement that the death certificate report a natural death caused by a terminal disease. See memo, pp. 15-16. The significance is legal inability to prosecute criminal behaviour, for example, in the case of an outright murder for the money. Id. The cause of death, as a matter of law, is a terminal disease." Id.
17. The
falsification of the death certificate to reflect a terminal disease also
contributes to a lack transparency, as do other Oregon and Washington
practices. See "MD2" through "MD9."
The Jackson/Reagan Affidavits are Materially Misleading
With my time
constraints, I provide just two examples:
17. Oregon's Act does not require
"self-administration." Ms. Jackson's affidavit p.8,
paragraph 22 says that the patient "must be able to self-administer . . .
the life-ending medication." Dr.
Reagan's affidavit, p. 5, paragraph 14, makes this same claim. There is no such requirement in Oregon's act,
which does not even use the term, "self-administer." See my memo, “MD2”, at pp. 11-12.

20. It
is my hope that the material that I have provided will be of assistance to the
Supreme Court of Appeal in South Africa in its determination of the appeal. Please let me know if you would like me to
provide additional information at another time.
/S/ _____________________________