Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ontario's Euthanasia Report: The Poor and Those Who Lack Housing Are Most at Risk

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

The Ontario MAiD Death Review report has three parts (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3).

Janet Eastman has written an excellent commentary on the report of the Ontario Chief Coroner concerning the experience with euthanasia in Ontario, Canada's largest province. Eastman's article was published in The Telegraph on October 17, 2024. 

Eastman focuses on the Coroner's report in relation to the upcoming assisted dying debate in the UK. Eastman writes:

Assisted dying is used by patients in Canada because they are poor and lack housing, a major report has found.

The first official report into assisted dying deaths in Ontario, which has been obtained by the Telegraph, found vulnerable people face “potential coercion” or “undue influence” to seek out the practice.

Sixteen experts across medicine, nursing and law identified people whose lives may have been wrongly terminated at the hands of the state, where the action is called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Insight into the Cautionary Tale of Canada's Euthanasia Regime

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Canada 

On October 9, 2024, The European Conservative published an interview by Jonathon Van Maren with Alexander Raikin [pictured right]. Raikin has recently published a research article titled: "The Rise of Euthanasia in Canada: From Exceptional to Routine."

First question: In your view, why did Canada’s euthanasia regime go off the rails much sooner than other jurisdictions that have legalized euthanasia/assisted suicide? 

Raikin Responds:

The premise of your question is interesting. When the Supreme Court of Canada decriminalized euthanasia, it was based on the argument of a right to life—that those who would die from euthanasia would have otherwise died from suicide. It was a lesser evil. Yet every day in 2022, on average, Canadian physicians and nurses ended the lives of more than 36 people. It is now quadruple the official suicide rate. 

In an ordinary country, in an ordinary time, this would be considered a national crisis: a royal commission would be called and weekly press conferences by worried government officials would dominate the news cycle, especially if the victims were all people with disabilities and the elderly. Instead, we now have cognitive dissonance of a national variety. News media credulously write about the horror of a Canadian man selling suicide kits online—and then report almost monthly on how a state-sanctioned, state-funded, and state-administered death from euthanasia is “beautiful.” Or how the lethal injection of prisoners in the U.S. is cruel and unusual, unless a prisoner denied for parole in Canada asks for a lethal injection instead.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Vote YES on West Virginia Amendment 1 for Protection From Assisted Suicide.

By Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

West Virginia voters need to Vote YES on Amendment 1 this election. Amendment 1 approves a constitutional amendment to prohibit assisted suicide, euthanasia and mercy killing in West Virginia.

West Virginia Amendment 1 states:
A "yes" vote supports amending the West Virginia Constitution to prohibit people from participating in "the practice of medically assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing of a person."

A "no" vote opposes amending the West Virginia Constitution to prohibit people from participating in "the practice of medically assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing of a person."
Vote YES.

French Bill Debated

From France, a bit out of date, but here it is....

Debate is beginning at the National Assembly on French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed end-of-life bill. [Macron pictured at right].

[The bill] would create a legal framework for the terminally ill to get help to die; a highly contentious issue.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Press Release: Disability Rights Coalition Challenges Discriminatory Sections of Canada’s Assisted Dying Law in Court

Krista Carr pictured left and quoted below.  

A coalition of disability rights organizations and two personally affected individuals have filed a Charter challenge with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. They oppose Track 2 of Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law, which provides assisted suicide to people with a disability who are not dying, or whose death is not “reasonably foreseeable.”

The coalition includes national disability organizations Inclusion Canada, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Indigenous Disability Canada (IDC/BCANDS), and DAWN Canada, as well as two individuals who have been harmed by Track 2 MAiD.

The organizations assert that Track 2 MAiD has resulted in premature deaths and an increase in discrimination and stigma towards people with disabilities across the country. While they are not challenging MAiD Track 1 in this case, they recognize that it too can pose significant problems for people with disabilities. Track 2 MAiD has had a direct negative impact on the lives of people with disabilities.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Opinion: Michigan Right-to-Die Legislation Must Consider Concerns of African Americans

In the 1990s, Royal Oak’s Dr. Jack Kevorkian put a national spotlight on the debate over the right of terminally ill patients to die with the aid of a physician. As Democrats reclaim their majority in the state Legislature, Michigan may be at the epicenter of this conversation again. 

Last fall, a group of Democrats introduced the Michigan Death With Dignity Act, which would legalize physician-assisted dying, also known as medical aid in dying [, assisted suicide and euthanasia].

Patients with a terminal condition, expected to die within six months, would be able to request that a participating doctor write them a prescription for drugs that, when self-administered and ingested, would allow the patient to die on the date of their choosing.

Terri Laws [pictured here] is an associate professor of African and African American studies at the University of Michigan-Dearborn:

Many Michiganders will see this legislation as reasonable and compassionate. To others, however, often people of color, this legislation is more complicated.
Some fear doctors and insurance companies may deny them lifesaving treatments and steer them toward assisted suicide instead. Others are concerned that legalization will normalize this type of death as the “correct” way to approach the end of life, when their cultural beliefs and practices tell them otherwise.

Delaware General Assembly Will Not Override Governor's Veto

Amanda Fries, Delaware News Journal

The Delaware General Assembly will not hold a special session to override Gov. John Carney’s recent veto of a bill that would have given terminally ill Delawareans’ end-of-life options. [Carney pictured right]

House Speaker Valerie Longhurst said Friday that she remains supportive of House Bill 140 but decided not to call a special session because neither the Senate nor the House of Representatives have the votes necessary to override the veto. 

*Photo by Benjamin Chambers/Delaware News Journal

Monday, September 23, 2024

Delaware Lawmaker & Former Insurance Agent Concerned About Adult Children

One of the reasons Delaware Governor John Carney gave for vetoing HB 140 is that he did not believe that a consensus had been reached on this issue. Carney noted that the legislation was passed by "just one vote."

A different argument was presented by State Rep. Rich Collins [pictured left], who has been a vocal opponent of the bill, citing concerns that it could lead to seniors being coerced into prematurely ending their lives. Collins stated:

"I was an insurance agent for 37 years, and I sold life insurance and investments,” he told his colleagues in the chamber. “I had situations during my career where…the children of an older person made it clear they wanted their parents to go [die] because of the money. I have a lot of concerns about some people’s motives.”

Friday, September 20, 2024

Delaware Governor Vetoes Medical-Aid-in-Dying Legislation; Discussion Begins of Possible Override

By Mark Fowser

Click here to view the entire article as published.

Governor John Carney Friday vetoed legislation that would have allowed people with a terminal illness who are able to make sound decisions for themselves to get access to medication that would end their lives.

House Bill 140  received final legislative approval in the State Senate in late June. However, it underwent several amendments and the issue has been debated for years.

Carney said in his veto message that he recognizes that it is a deeply personal matter, and he appreciates the thoughtful debate. However, he said he is "fundamentally and morally opposed" to the idea of state law enabling someone to take their own life - "even under tragic and painful circumstances."

Carney's action returns the bill to the House of Representatives. His second term as governor ends in January 2025.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Terminally Ill Patients From Other States Can't Come to New Jersey to End Their Lives, Court Rules

Contribution by Chris Sheldon, NJ Advance Media for

A federal judge ruled today that the residency requirement in New Jersey's medical aid in dying law does not violate the US Constitution, meaning the state can keep its right to die law exclusively for residents.

The lawsuit was the third in the nation to challenge a medical aid-in-dying law’s residency requirement, which is required in ten states: Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Maine, Montana, New Mexico and Vermont, and Washington D.C., officials said.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Liz Carr: "Better Off Dead?"

A documentary on assisted suicide, authored by actor and disability rights activist Liz Carr.

We may be used to seeing Liz in dramas such as Silent Witness, Good Omens or The Witcher, but now she’s stepping away from the spotlight to pursue her greatest passion – debating why she believes we shouldn’t legalise assisted suicide. As a long-term campaigner against that change, Liz fears disabled lives will be put at risk if the law is altered.

Travelling to Canada, Liz explores the repercussions of some of the most permissive assisted suicide laws in the world. Here Liz is confronted with a law that can end the lives of not just the terminally ill but people who are disabled and those who are offered a medically assisted death as a ‘way out’ of social deprivation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DeSantis Takes Charge after Trump Assassination Attempt — then Points out Glaring Problem with Feds Leading Investigation

By Julio Rosas, 09/17/24

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) officially announced on Tuesday that statewide law enforcement agencies will conduct their own investigation into the second assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump since the most egregious crime affiliated with the incident, attempted murder, falls under Florida's jurisdiction.

"The suspect, Ryan Routh, is believed to have committed state law violations across multiple judicial circuits in this state, Palm Beach judicial circuit, judicial circuits including Martin County, as well as, perhaps, the judicial circuit represented by Broward County. I directed state agencies to move expeditiously and provide full transparency to the public," DeSantis explained.

DeSantis said he does not believe it is in the best interest of the nation for the FBI and the Department of Justice to lead the investigation considering that those same agencies are trying to prosecute Trump in Florida. DeSantis pointed to how there are still unanswered questions from the FBI on the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas and the first assassination attempt on Trump in July.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Not Dead Yet: Baby Simon Withered Away Due to Hospital Imposed Starvation

By Lisa Blumberg (pictured right).

Trisomy 18 is a genetic condition that usually results in physical health problems and cognitive limitations. Life expectancy is currently shorter than typical but people can live into their 20’s and 30’s and one American with trisomy 18, Megan Hayes, celebrated her fortieth birthday with fanfare. Unfortunately, it seems that this information has been slow to percolate down to medical professionals.

When Simon Crosier was born in 2010, he was given full care until he was diagnosed with trisomy 18 at three days old. His parents, Sheryl and Scott Crosier were then told, “your child is now incompatible with life.”

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump Says He’s ‘Safe and Well’ After Apparent 2nd Assassination Attempt

Former President Donald Trump said in an emailed statement that he is safe, after the FBI said that it is investigating a suspected assassination attempt after shots were reported in his vicinity at his Florida golf course.

“The FBI has responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump,” the FBI said in a statement to The Epoch Times.

A representative of U.S. Secret Service said at a news conference on Sept. 15 that Secret Service personnel opened fire on a suspected gunman “located near the property line” of the Trump International Golf Course, adding that it’s under investigation.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Free Online Workshop Addressing Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia for Persons with Eating Disorders

Invitation by Dr. Mark Komrad (pictured here). *

The event will take place online via Zoom on Saturday, September 21st 2024 | 10:00AM - 11:15AM EST.  The cost is FREE.

To register for panel discussions, please click this link twice:

For more information, please see below.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

As the UK Debates Euthanasia, Canada's Euthanasia Reality is Relevant. Zoom Event 09/16/24.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is hosting a Zoom event on Monday September 16 2024 at 12 noon  (Eastern time) with Kevin Yuill. (Pictured here).

Yuill is an emeritus professor of history at the University of Sunderland and CEO of Humanists Against Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (HAASE). Yuill is also the author of the book: "Assisted Suicide: The Liberal, Humanist Case Against Legalization."

Register in advance for this meeting: (Registration Link). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link to join the meeting.

Yuill is a world leader in opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide and is working with several groups to prevent the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, etc.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Canada's Growing Euthanasia Program

By Dr Paul Saba (pictured left).

When Canada legalized assisted dying/suicide/euthanasia in 2016, it was supposed to be for only a “few” terminal illness patients with only days to live. As of December 31, 2023 approximately 60,000 Canadians had their lives ended by physician assisted dying (at the end of 2022 there were 44,958 assisted medical deaths). (Article Link).

Canada is the fastest growth assisted dying/suicide/euthanasia deaths of all countries where it has been legalized. 

Since March of 2021 the law has been further expanded to those with disabilities with decades to live and in 2027 those with only mental illness will be eligible for assisted suicide.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Quebec Scheduled to Begin Granting Requests for Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia (MAID)

By Joe Bongiorno, The Canadian Press 

MONTREAL — Quebecers who want to arrange a medically assisted death before their condition leaves them unable to grant consent can do so as of next month, the province announced Saturday as it unveiled details of a plan to grant such requests without waiting for Ottawa to update the country’s criminal code.

[Quebec Premier Francois Legault, left, walks to a cabinet meeting with Quebec Health Minister Christian Dube in Quebec City]

Quebec’s government said last month it would stop waiting for the federal government to implement the requested amendments and forge ahead with plans to grant early MAID requests. On Saturday, the province announced such requests could be granted as of Oct. 30.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Euthanasia: Canada's Doctors Can Kill You

Original publication, 09/03/24  

By Alex Schadenberg

Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

An article by Nicholas Tomaino that was published by on September 2, 2024 titled: Welcome to Canada, the Doctor Will Kill You Now exposes how Canada legalized euthanasia (MAiD). Tomaino writes:

Canada has undergone a crash course in what the country calls “medical assistance in dying,” or MAID. The experiment began in 2015, when the Canadian Supreme Court ruled in Carter v. Canada that “laws prohibiting physician-assisted dying interfere with the liberty and security” of people with “grievous and irremediable” medical conditions. Parliament codified the decision the following year.

Lawmakers thought they were imposing limits. “We do not wish to promote premature death as a solution to all medical suffering,” then-Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said. The plaintiff’s lead lawyer in Carter argued that “in almost every case,” doctors will want to “help their patients live, not die.” “We know physicians will be reluctant gatekeepers.”

Thursday, September 5, 2024

New Jersey Update

By Alex Schadenberg (pictured at right)*

The New Jersey 2023 assisted suicide report states that there were 101 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2023 up from 91 in 2022. Assisted suicide started in New Jersey on April 12, 2019.  According to the report:

101 people were known to have died by assisted suicide, 

13 people received the lethal poison but died a natural death, 

3 people received the lethal poison but had not died and 

2 people received the lethal poison and died but the cause of death is unknown.

When the cause of death is unknown, it usually means that no report was submitted. Therefore it may have been an assisted suicide death, but no report was filed.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ex-Doctor Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter in Connection with Suicide of Upstate New York Woman


Updated 2:57 PM MDT, September3, 2024

KINGSTON, N.Y. (AP) — An 85-year-old former doctor from Arizona charged for his role in the suicide of a woman in an upstate New York motel room pleaded guilty to manslaughter Tuesday under an agreement that spares him from prison.

Stephen Miller, of Tucson, was arrested earlier this year on a charge of second-degree manslaughter under a provision of New York law that allows the charge for intentionally causing or aiding another person’s suicide.

Under a plea agreement, Miller was sentenced to five years of probation after his guilty plea in state court. His attorney said Miller is infirm and did not want to die in prison.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

West Virginia Ballot Initiative Would Prohibit Euthanasia

By Alex Schadenberg  (pictured right)

The Washington Stand published an article by Sarah Holliday on September 2, 2024 that reports on the West Virginia Ballot Amendment 1 which, if passed, would prohibit euthanasia and assisted suicide in the state constitution.

Holliday reports:

Amendment 1 has recently been added to the state’s November ballot with the intention of providing “protection against medically assisted suicide.” Ultimately, “the amendment just places what’s already illegal in West Virginia into the state constitution for more security going forward,” said Pat McGeehan (R), a West Virginia state delegate, on Tuesday’s episode of “Washington Watch.” If this amendment is passed, West Virginia would become the first state to amend their constitution to prohibit assisted suicide.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Disability Rights Opponents of Assisted Suicide Are Not a “Vocal Minority”

By Meghan Schrader [pictured right]  

Original publication 08/01/24

Meghan is an autistic person who is an instructor at E4 - University of Texas (Austin) and an EPC [Euthanasia Prevention Coalition]-USA board member.

Over and over again assisted suicide proponents claim that disabled people who oppose assisted suicide are a “vocal minority.” For instance, American euthanasia advocate Thaddeus Mason Pope ridiculously wrote on X that “millions” of disabled people want the right to have “MAiD.” Well, it’s not true. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Off Topic: The Bombing

By Margaret Dore, Esq.

My mother had always thought that Silas "Trim" Bissell of the Bissell Vacuum Fortune, and of the SDS, (Students for a Democratic Society), had bombed our Seattle home.

The bomb, dynamite, had been thrown on the roof above my parents' bedroom closet adjacent to our carport. She was home with my four siblings. My father, a state legislator, and I were in the state capitol, staying at different places. I was 12 years old.  It was 1970.

A Thump on the Roof

My mother told me that she had heard a thump on the roof above her bedroom closet, which had caused her to put her head in the closet, under the bomb, to try and figure out what had caused the noise.
She then went outside the house and into our carport, once again, physically placing herself under the bomb.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Blinded by Tradition: The Politics Of Medicine vs. Optometry

By Margaret K. Dore, Esq., MBA



As a child, I had double vision when I looked at an object close to my face, for example, a pencil or a finger. I now understand that this was due to “convergence insufficiency.” My eyes had an inability to converge (come together) at near. With convergence insufficiency, a person’s ability to read can be compromised. But I had a milder version and was a good reader.

As a college student, I noticed a change. To study took more effort and had I thought about it, I no longer read much for pleasure. I now understand that college reading demands were overloading my compromised visual system. My ability to read and comprehend was gradually decreasing. In short, it was becoming harder for me to learn.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Delaware Medical-Aid-in-Dying Bill (Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia) in Limbo

By Melissa Steele, July 26, 2024.

The Cape Gazette  

The fate of medical-aid-in-dying bill that cleared the General Assembly in June is uncertain as it has yet to be delivered to Gov. John Carney to sign.

Sponsor of the bill, Rep. Paul Baumbach, D-Newark, said July 15, the bill still resides in the House.

“Thus far, the governor has not led me to believe that he will sign the bill when it makes it to his desk,” Baumbach said.

Baumbach did not say when he plans to deliver the bill to the governor, or whether he has heard if Carney will veto it.

California: Plaintiffs Appeal Dismissal of Assisted Suicide Lawsuit Under the ADA and US Constitution

Diane Coleman, President and CEO of  NDY (Not Dead Yet) [pictured right]

* * *

Today, the 34th Anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the the perfect day for an update on the groundbreaking lawsuit, United Spinal v. California, which challenges the California assisted suicide law as violations of the ADA and the U.S. Constitution's Due Process and Equal Protection provisions. The federal District Court dismissed the lawsuit in the spring and plaintiffs promptly gave notice that we would appeal. This week, United Spinal Association, Not Dead Yet and the other plaintiffs filed our appeal. Here is the press release:


Disability Organizations and Individuals Partner to Appeal the Deadly and Discriminatory Public Policy of Physician-Assisted Suicide California Law Unlawful and Unconstitutional.

The Isle of Man's Lower House Passes Bill Legalizing Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, Termed Assisted Dying

By Alex Schadenberg, original post 07/24/24         

The Isle of Man's assisted dying bill passed on third reading in the House of Keys (Lower House). The bill still needs to be voted on in the Upper House (Legislative counsel).

Two-thirds of the 24 members of the House of Keys voted in favour of the assisted dying bill. The bill requires that a person be an adult (at least 18) given a 12 month prognosis and must live on the Isle of Man for at least 5 years to qualify to be killed.

Rebecca Brahde reported for BBC news on July 23 significant opposition to the bill remains. According to Brahde:

Tim Glover described the proposed bill as a "Pandora's box", adding that the views of a number of charities, community groups and churches had not been sought.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Contact Delaware Governor to Veto Assisted Suicide Bill HB 140

Alex Schadenberg:

"Everyone needs to contact Governor John Carney [pictured left] and urge him to veto assisted suicide Bill HB 140. Call Governor Carney at: 302-744-4101 or email him at:"

A news story by Sarah Mueller for whyy news stated:

Democratic Rep. Paul Baumbach, the prime sponsor, said the bill has not yet been sent to the governor. A spokesperson for the governor said lawyers were reviewing the legislation. Requests to clarify their answers received no response.

Britain Will Debate Assisted Suicide

By Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 

Original publication 07/22/24

Keir Starmer, the leader of Britain's Labour Party, has been a long-time promoter of assisted suicide. During the election Starmer promised that he would introduce a bill and allow a free-vote on legalizing assisted suicide in the UK. The July 4 election resulted in the Labour Party winning a massive majority with 411 out of 650 parliamentary seats.

After the election Starmer reiterated his support for assisted suicide and promised a free-vote within the year. BBC news reported:

Sir Keir Starmer has insisted he remains committed to giving MPs a free vote on assisted dying laws at some point.

The prime minister said he would provide parliamentary time for a vote if a backbench MPs proposed changing the law, but stressed the government had other "priorities for the first year or so".

Friday, July 12, 2024

What Happened to Delaware Bill HB 140?

Original publication 07/03/24 by Alex Schadenberg.

Everyone needs to contact Governor John Carney [pictured here] and urge him to veto assisted suicide Bill HB 140. Email him at

A news story by Sarah Mueller for whyy news stated:

Democratic Rep. Paul Baumbach, the prime sponsor, said the bill has not yet been sent to the governor. A spokesperson for the governor said lawyers were reviewing the legislation. Requests to clarify their answers received no response.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Canada’s Euthanasia Numbers Up Across the Board in 2023

By J-P Mauro (pictured right).

While Canada’s federal government has yet to release nationwide statistics on the number of citizens who have sought and received euthanasia under the Medical Aid in Dying program (MAiD), a recent independent analysis of data from individual provinces suggests the numbers are up across the board. 

The analysis was conducted by Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, a Canadian action group that works to ensure the preservation and enforcement of the legal prohibitions and ethical guidelines of “mercy killing,” as well as raising awareness of alternative treatments. He began his report by examining the data from British Columbia (BC) in 2023, finding 2,767 reported assisted deaths, which is up by 10% from 2,515 in 2022.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hawai`i Free Press: Assisted Suicide Up 50%; Previously Enacted Safeguards Have Been Relaxed Or Removed

To read news release (may require two clicks)please click here  
HONOLULU — More patients utilized the Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program last year than in 2022, according to the 2023 Our Care, Our Choice Act (OCOCA) Annual Report, prepared by the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) Office of Planning, Policy and Program Development, July 1, 2024. 

To read the Act in its entirety, click here.

Last year, 91 patients received aid-in-dying prescriptions, which is 31 more than the 2022 total. The Office of Planning, Policy and Program Development said that this is also in line with national data trends and may be due to the increased accessibility that took effect June 1, 2023.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Delaware Legislation Legalizing Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Awaits Governor’s Action

By Sarah Mueller 

Delaware Governor John Carney (pictured below) could soon decide whether to sign legislation legalizing medical-assisted dying.

Sometimes known as “physician-” or “medically assisted suicide,” the legislation would allow terminally ill people with less than six months to live to request and ingest medication to end their lives.

The House passed the bill 21-14, with four Democrats absent in April. The vote in the Senate originally failed 9-9, but passed days later 11-10.

This is the first time Carney, who is in his final year in office, will have to decide on this issue. He can sign the bill, veto it or allow it to take effect without signing it. Carney has 10 days to act on a bill after it is sent to him.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

EIN Presswire Obstructed My Press Release

I am a lawyer licensed to practice in Washington State, now living in Montana. I have used EIN Presswire for years, but not on a large scale.

My most recent published release was on February 15, 2022.

In late June 2024, my web designer informed me that my remaining EIN press releases were due to expire in two weeks.

We also learned that the Delaware legislature had approved a bill legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia. The governor, John Carney, was to the best of our knowledge undecided. We decided to use one of the press releases, to encourage him to reject the bill.

We prepared the press release, using language similar to our prior release.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Not Dead Yet: "Medical Aid in Dying" is a Marketing Term

Not Dead Yet is a national disability rights organization focused on combatting disability based healthcare discrimination, particularly in the context of advanced or terminal illness. We are extremely disappointed that HPNA [Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association] would consider adopting a “stance of engaged neutrality” regarding whether assisted suicide should be permitted or prohibited. We urge HPNA to reverse course.

Moreover, although the proposed position statement [download available here] claims neutrality, its content reads like a defense and sometimes an outright promotion of a public policy of assisted suicide. Although only 11 jurisdictions have legalized the practice, HPNA’s statement says, “All hospice and palliative nurses should develop competence and mastery regarding MAiD in the domains of education, clinical practice, research, advocacy, and leadership.” HPNA appears not to have considered the views of either palliative care experts or disability rights activists who oppose the practice. The statement includes only limited references and minimal tolerance toward nurses who object to the practice.

HPNA tries to explain why assisted suicide should be referred to as “medical aid in dying” or MAiD for short. These are marketing terms. As Dr. Ira Byock, a palliative care specialist has written, “‘aid in dying’ makes it sound like giving someone a lethal drug is an extension of hospice and palliative care. It is not.”

Population Mortality Worsens Over Pandemic Years, Data from Germany Suggests COVID-19 Vaccination is a Determinant

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH  

Mass COVID-19 vaccination around the globe has raised alarms in the public health community for many reasons. Of greatest importance is all-cause mortality and reduced longevity.

Kuhbandner and Reitzner from Universitat Regensburg and Universit¨at Osnabruck, respectively, integrated mortality data from all 16 German States and vaccination rates from the Robert Koch Institute for the pandemic years, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This was first reported to the public by TrialSite News. 

If COVID-19 vaccination really reduced rates of COVID-19 death and was safe as asserted by government agencies, then mortality rates should have gone down over the pandemic for two reasons:

Monday, July 1, 2024

Press Release: Bill Seeking to Legalize Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Remains Undecided by Delaware Governor Carney (pictured below)

July 2, 2024 -- According to the American Medical Association, assisted suicide occurs when a doctor facilitates a person's death by providing the means or information to enable another person to perform a life-ending act. Euthanasia is the administration of a lethal agent to kill another person.

Persons assisting a suicide or euthanasia can have an agenda. Reported motives have included: financial gain; the “thrill” of getting other people to kill themselves; and wanting to see another person die.

The proposed Delaware Act (HB 140) has an application process to obtain a lethal dose of medication. Once the lethal dose is issued by the pharmacy, there is no required oversight. No witness, not even a doctor or other medical person is required to be present at the patient's death.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

French Elections Imperil End-of-Life Euthanasia Bill

French President Emmanuel Macron (pictured here), dissolved his government on June 9th calling for legislative elections on June 30th and July 7th. The debates on an end-of-life bill which were to be voted on June 11th were suddenly stopped as a result. 

The prospect of a significant change of government and balance within the National Assembly as a result of the elections are likely to have a very significant impact on the future of the bill. For now, the bill is at any rate on hold.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Anita Cameron: "Black People, Wake Up and Remember Our History"

As we in the Black community celebrate freedom, liberation, and life on Juneteenth, there is a movement afoot that will endanger the lives of the most vulnerable in our community.

This dangerous movement is the push for legalization of assisted suicide, sometimes called medical assisted suicide, across the United States.

Assisted suicide is when someone, usually terminally ill, with six months or less to live, makes a request for a lethal dose of medication prescribed by a physician or medical provider.  After the waiting period, if there is one, the provider issues the prescription, the person or someone designated by them picks it up, and the medication is ingested by the person to whom it is prescribed. There is no doctor or witness required to be present .... Currently, assisted suicide is legal in ten US states and the District of Columbia. As of this year, 2024, 20 states have either introduced assisted suicide legislation or have expanded bills that have already passed.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tell Governor Carney to Veto Assisted Suicide

By Alex Schadenberg 

Contact Delaware Governor John Carney (pictured here). Tell him to veto assisted suicide/euthanasia Bill HB 140 at

People at vulnerable times of their life need proper care not assistance in being killed. 

In a roller coaster ride of votes, the Delaware Senate passed assisted suicide Bill HB 140 on June 25 by an 11 to 10 vote in a second vote on the bill.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Canadian Man Offered Euthanasia Multiple Times

By Daniel Payne, original publication, 06 23 24  

Amid ongoing efforts to expand euthanasia in Canada under the name of “medical aid in dying” (MAID), one Ottawa man says he has been offered euthanasia “multiple times” as he struggles with lifelong disabilities and chronic pain from a disease called cerebellar ataxia. 

Roger Foley, 49, [pictured right} shared some of his story in a recent video interview with Amanda Achtman of the Dying to Meet You project, which was created to “humanize our conversation on suffering, death, meaning, and hope.” The project seeks to “[restore] our cultural health when it comes to our experiences of death and dying” through speaking engagements and video campaigns. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

By Diane Coleman 

Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. According to the National Council On Aging:

Approximately one in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse. Some estimates range as high as five million elders who are abused each year. One study estimated that only one in 24 cases of abuse are reported to authorities.

… In almost 60% of elder abuse and neglect incidents, the perpetrator is a family member. Two thirds of perpetrators are adult children or spouses.

Donna Latteri Holds Jeanette Hall's Photo at Delaware Hearing

Hall's declaration states:

1.  I live in Oregon where assisted suicide is legal. Our law was enacted in 1997 via a ballot measure that I voted for.

2.  In 2000, I was diagnosed with cancer and told that I had 6 months to a year to live. I knew that our law had passed, but I didn't know exactly how to go about doing it. I tried to ask my doctor, Kenneth Stevens MD, but he didn't really answer me. In hindsight, he was stalling me.

3.  I did not want to suffer. I wanted to do our law and I wanted Dr. Stevens to help me. Instead, he encouraged me to not give up and ultimately I decided to fight the cancer. I had both chemotherapy and radiation. I am happy to be alive!  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Boston Globe: “For Assistance in Dying, Please Press 1”

By Diane Coleman (pictured right) 

Liz Carr’s documentary, “Better Off Dead?”, continues making a difference, serving as a wake up call about the dangers assisted suicide laws pose for people with disabilities. A Boston Globe columnist noted this week:

The most chilling detail in “Better Off Dead?” a new BBC documentary by the English actress and comedian Liz Carr, is an automated telephone message. …

Thank you for calling. The Ontario Medical Assistance in Dying Care Coordination Service is designed to provide information about end of life options in Ontario and referrals for Medical Assistance in Dying. If you would like to speak with an adviser to access the service or get more information, please press 1.