Saturday, February 25, 2017

Montana Resolution Addresses "Mistaken Assumption That Suicide Is a Rational Response to Disability"

Representative Brad Tschida
Representative Brad Tschida has introduced Joint House Resolution No. 14 to include people with chronic health conditions in Montana's Strategic Suicide Prevention Plan for 2017.  A key paragraph notes: 

Until recently, the Montana Strategic Suicide Prevention Plan was considering assisted suicide of the terminally ill as a separate issue from suicide prevention. The active disability community in Montana, however, has been vocal on the need for suicide prevention services for individuals with disabilities. . . . . Individuals with disabilities have a right to responsive suicide prevention services. 

There is a specific recommendation to "address . . . the mistaken assumption that suicide is a rational response to disability."

Hawaii: Dore Testimony Opposing SB 1129 SD 1 (No Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia)

To Chairman Keith-Agaran and members of the Committee:

As some of you know, I am an attorney in Washington State where assisted suicide and euthanasia are legal.  Our law is based on a law in Oregon.  Both laws are similar to the proposed act in SB 1129 SD 1.

Attached please find a memo with supporting documentation opposing the act. The act seeks to legalize physician-assisted suicide and allow euthanasia. My memo and documentation can also be viewed at these links: and

The act will encourage people with years or decades to live to throw away their lives.  (See memo, pp 3-6). The act is a recipe for elder abuse, especially for those in the middle class and above in the inheritance situation. (Id., pp. 8-9). The act creates the perfect crime in which the death is allowed to occur in private, without oversight, and the death certificate gives perpetrators a "stay out of jail free card."  (Id., pp. 10-13).  

Friday, February 24, 2017

Amended Hawaii Bill Creates the Perfect Crime

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

Hawaii Senate Chamber
Hawaii's pending act seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide and allow euthanasia as long as actions are taken in “accordance” with the act, applies to people with years or decades to live. 

The act, contained in SB 1129 SD 1, is a recipe for elder abuse, especially in the inheritance situation for persons middle class and above.

To view a supporting memo, click here and here. To go to Choice Illusion Hawaii, click here

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tell the Hawaii Legislature to Vote “No” on SB 1129

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

SB 1129 legalizes physician-assisted suicide and allows euthanasia as long as actions are taken in “accordance” with the act.

The proposed Oregon style act applies to people with years or decades to live. The act is a recipe for elder abuse.

To view a legal analysis opposing the bill, with supporting documentation, click here.  To view the analysis without the supporting documentation, click here.  To view Hawaii Against Assisted Suicide, click here.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Congressional Resolution to Stop DC Act has Advanced

From a Congressional Staffer:

"This evening the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee advanced H.J. Res. 27, the resolution disapproving the District of Columbia Council’s bill legalizing assisted suicide. The bill was advanced by a vote of 22-14."

Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. The battle to stop the DC Act continues. Thank you again.

Margaret Dore, President
Choice Is An Illusion